Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Usual Kindness Act ...

--by brindlegirl, posted Sep 27, 2015
My usual kindness act I do whenever I stay in a hotel ... chocolate rose, card with beautiful words inside and either gift card or lotto ticket enclosed. The housekeepers do such a lovely job cleaning our rooms I always like to thank them. This time however I did a little extra kindness....

I made their job as easy as I could. I left our room spotless, emptied bins for them and loaded the dishwasher and washed dishes. A small gesture but one they'll appreciate ♥

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Readers Comments

MeMyselfI wrote: Great idea! Thanks for sharing <3
louise wrote: That's so brilliant - most people normally don't even think about the state they leave their rooms in!
vickey wrote: What a wonderful idea : )
WOG1663 wrote: As a former housekeeper, thank you!
11888 wrote: Beautiful! So inspiring! :):)
savraj wrote: So nice of you! I love your idea of leaving a card and gift for housekeepers!
splain wrote: I am going to do this next time. great idea.
kjoyw wrote: Great ideas and I'm sure they were so pleased! I've been leaving Mindy's doves with note and tip for housekeeping when we travel now. Even leave doves in breakfast rooms a B&B's. All those dear people work so hard!
RoseMarie wrote: So lovely. I always tidy my room when on holiday, remove sheets etc. When I go on residential with students (17 years upwards) I insist they do this and i check that they have lol. That said, they usually feel good about what they have done. 😊 will start to write thank you notes and leave choccies x
terre wrote: I usually strip the beds and leave a note and tip. Where I stay doesn't often have a dishwasher and so can't do that. But I agree; the workers often find horrible messes when they go into a newly vacant room. It's wonderful when they get a surprise like you left them. Thank you for this kindness.

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