Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pizza on the Beach

--by tonykrebs, posted Jul 15, 2008

My wife and I sat at an outdoor cafe on the boardwalk in Hollywood Beach, vacationing and enjoying the evening beauty of the ocean's sights and sounds. As we finished our yearly traditional large pizza and pitcher of beer, we noticed the arrival of a group of eight adults with varying disibilities along with their caregivers.  While they sat on the wall that separates the beach from the boardwalk, each was handed a small sandwich, pack of crackers and a bottle of water.  They too were enjoying that beautiful Florida evening.

I realized that we had four large pieces of pizza left.  I asked our waiter if he could cut each piece in half.  I then talked to the caregivers and explained my offering.  They told me that money was short, and they only had enough to provide a meager meal that evening.  As I offered a piece of pizza to each of these individuals, I was rewarded with the most gratifying feeling--the value of which half a pizza could never buy!  My evening, as a matter of fact, my whole vacation was highlighted by this small act.

I don't (and would never) tell this story to receive a pat on the back.  I tell it only to encourage you to reach out and look for opportunities to pay it forward!  Your rewards in paying it forward will enhance the beauty of the day. 

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Readers Comments

praveendm wrote: well said...
Bluebell wrote: It's beautiful to see how a simple sharing can have a huge effect in those around us. Thank for sharing your story.
Lisa wrote: that is so great to hear! I work with people with disabilites and have for over 15 years. I get alot of people who smile and say hello to these individuals when I take them out and they really enjoy that! They love attention and they love the small things in life. A can of diet coke puts a big smile on their face and I am sure pizza does too. great story!
brighteyes wrote: Tony....many of us are blessed with much abundance in our life....I loved that you shared your excess and it made a difference to others....some people do hoard BUT IF WE ALL SHARED shared, I truly believe we could eliminate hunger and poverty and you know what else!
sathsath wrote: BRAVE,you approached,i would fear a repraisal.One request, order only waht u can consume
makesomeonesmile wrote: Thanks for sharing your story. We can all learn and possibly see opportunities from the experiences of others. I think that is one of the best things about reading stories here is that you can get ideas that may cause you to act. Thanks for taking the time to share and care!
AURELIA wrote: You did a wonderful thing! I would have never thought that quickly to have the slices cut in 1/2 like that. Good for you to take time to enjoy yourself and to pass along your goodness to others. :) ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Hi tony-it's so nice to meet you. What a wonderful thing that was for both you and all the others. You were their angels that night! LindaM:)
JuneBug wrote: What a wonderful thing for you to do! And,yes, you DO deserve a pat on the back for your fast thinking of deviding the slices...Great story! :}

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