Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Professor's Lesson 30 Years Ago

--by amosjwaner, posted Jul 14, 2008

One winter semester during college in upstate New York., I took an 8 AM history class to fulfill a requirement.  It was hard to get up for that class, but about 15 of us met 3 times a week to brave the cold winds and trudge to that lecture in a nondescript classroom.

The professor for the class was an odd fellow.  He had flaming red hair, usually looking slept on, and wore galoshes with one pantleg in and one out.  He would creep shyly into the room wearing his hooded winter coat , once not even removing the hood during the lecture.  He was terribly ill at ease with the class and clutched the lecturn barely looking up at all through his gold rimmed glasses at his students. 

I felt that I needed to do something to stem the boredom that woud ensue in his lecture, so I created a little game for myself.  I would vow to find something in his lecture to ask him an intelligent question about, forcing me to pay attention rather than letting my eyes close.  The first time I raised my hand, you could tell he was suprised and a little reluctant to find out what I wanted.  But he was obviously pleased to have a question to answer.  In fact, his answers were always interesting. 

I continued to do this every day of the course and found myself actually enjoying the material.  The professor seemed to become a bit more relaxed and some of the other students even joined in from time to time.  My little game had saved me from being bored, as it was designed to do.  And, I learned quite a bit about ancient world history in the bargain. The professor obviously knew his material, but had a hard time passing it on to undergraduates in an interesting way.  For all of his odd appearance, he was indeed quite an expert in his field.

But the real lesson I was to learn had yet to happen.  On the last day of class we gathered our books and headed out the door for the last time.  The shy, red-haired professor stepped directly in front of me, with obvious effort,  as I reached the door and put out his hand.  He said, "I want to thank you for making this class so interesting," as he shook my hand vigorously and smiled for the first time.   I was so suprised.  To me, it had been a pleasant way to pass the time in an elective.  I had no idea that all of my question asking had any effect on him or the others at all.  

That moment has stayed with me for 30 years.  Each of us, through the things we say and do, the kindnesses we can freely offer, can have a profound effect not just on our own experiences, but those of others.  I don't recall the facts I learned in his class, but I'll never forget the professor who taught me a lesson about the power of acts of kindness, intended or not.

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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: Fantastic story....thanks for sharing....loved that YOU TOOK ACTION!
It was also sweet that he not only noticed, appreciate your efforts BUT also completed the circle by telling you how grateful he was for your kindness. People, Word and Kindnesses are more powerful than many believe.
sabrina wrote: True ,kindness evokes those responses.btw Lot of geniuses are shy people.thx for the story.God Bless!
makesomeonesmile wrote: Ditto what Brighteyes said. Thanks for sharing! This is a great reminder to us all how the simplest things can mean so much to someone!
xbeldaran wrote: another ditto here for what bright eyes has said...something you just did to pass the time of day and look at the amazing result
JuneBug wrote: I really like your story! I can tell it made an impact on you as well as the professor and even more so I'm sure! Great story..Thanks for sharing it!
lovebug wrote: We can all learn a lesson from your story, kindness is a two way street, it works in every area of life.I like watching a program called American Book Report. Authors talking about the books they have written. But the exciting part is when the audience ask questions thats when I hear interesting answers.
soulvibha wrote: Small comment said with genuineness can have immense impact. Great post.
Norman wrote: It was a great thing you did. Some people would opt to skip classes due to lack of interest but in coming up with an innovative way to stay awake, you certainly touched many and kept the class interesting. Thanks for sharing and being kind.
evergrateful wrote: You were the change-maker then and it made life more interesting for him and for yourself. Wish more of us would follow your example when we find something dull.
Mangala wrote: I got the feeling, that your professor was a rather shy and lonely person who did not feel good in his role as a teacher. What you did, was to make contact with him and give him the feeling that what he taught was interesting.

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