Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Auntie’s Surprise Travel Bags

--by brighteyes, posted Jul 18, 2008

Happy Memories... Ding-Dong.  “YEAH!  Auntie’s here! Auntie’s here!” scream my hubby’s niece & nephew in unison. "Let me get the door!” “No, let me!”  They continue shouting as they charge off together, hurdling themselves at the front door, each one’s goal to get there first and open the door for their Auntie. Me!

I can’t get enough of them, of their enthusiasm, their youthful zest for life, their excitement every time I visit!  Their faces aglow, their exuberant welcomes & sincere eagerness (which to be honest is partially due to the Surprise Travel Bag they spy me carrying in).  It’s a tradition I started when they were all young.  I bring a large bag filled with toys, games, coloring books & crayons, paper and magic markers, candy, books and more.

The contents vary but the rules don’t. They include: each gets a turn picking what activity we will ALL do, each takes a turn going first when we play a game, everyone must share and be respectful of each other, no hitting, kicking, fighting or cheating, they share treats AFTER they ask their parent’s permission,  cleaning up after we play is a must and lastly, and most importantly,  the Surprise Travel Bag arrives & leaves with their Auntie. (This is one of my secrets of successfully entertaining them & preventing boredom each visit).

My niece & nephew love the attention I lavish on them. We pick a location in a different room to keep the noise down and let the adults catch up.  I make sure I spend quality time with the adults too, each visit. The parents love when I arrive. They can relax now & enjoy themselves, knowing that their kids are safe with me. I took the Surprise Travel Bag when visiting my Bro's family too and also keep it handy for visits to my home or for my friend’s kids when they visit. 

Now my nieces and nephews have all grown into young adults. They spend most of their visits listening to their iPods, texting on their phones, watching DVD’s…so much technology!  I completely  forgot that I had stashed my two Surprise Travel Bags in the basement until my hubby found them during a cleaning spree this weekend. Oh, boy, did those precious memories come flooding back! 

A wistful sigh escapes from me & I clutch those bags tightly in my arms, remembering our laughter and fun-filled holiday get-togethers.  My big decision now is how to gift the Special Travel Bags to them or pass the bags along to another friend with children so that the fun times these bags help to create continue.

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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: Great tale! I think you should show it to a niece and/or nephew, see if they remember, Im sure they will, but maybe give it to one who has children to entertain, or perhaps keep it for the next generation which will arrive before you know it.Linda:)
makesomeonesmile wrote: What wonderful memories you have created for both yourself and your family. Those are what we look back on and appreciate more than anything. Thanks for taking the time to be a part of their lives and making a difference!
AURELIA wrote: You should take your bags on the road. Visit the children's ward at the hospital or Ronald McDonald House. You have so much love to give and a wonderful imagination, I'd hate to see you retire the bags!!!! Christine, please keep the love spreading. Before you know it, your neices and nephews will have children and you can volunteer to babysit(if they live nearby)... Keep the bags and use them. :) Love Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: Precious moments, or is that memories, I think you have both. But then you did create them. You Light us my Life when you share your memories. God Bless
JuneBug wrote: Memories are someting no one can steal from us! Yours are just awesome! And what an impact you made on others. They have good memories as well! What a wonderful Auntie you are!!!

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