Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Watching Kindness and Feeling the Ripples

--by Nandini, posted Jul 15, 2008
Yesterday evening, as usual, the company van left me a distance away from my home so I had to walk. On my way, I saw something really interesting which I wish to share. I saw a boy riding down on his bicycle with a broad smile on his face. He stopped by the house of our neighbour and left a bag with the neighbour's wife and some money. I could not help myself overhearing their conversation and I understood that the lady had requested the boy to go on an errand for her, which he did. He went to buy something for her and in appreciation, the lady was giving him some money, but he refused politely by saying, "No, that's alright." All the time, he had this broad smile on his face.
I was touched and relieved to see thisl. That boy helped the neighbour, but I felt so happy and full of gratitude. Full of gratitude for that woman ( like if I received the help), full of gratitude for this boy who gets the opportunity to get elevated in God's esteem, and full of gratitude that I witnessed it all. It also shows how just a little act of kindness can create a great impression, not only for the receiver, but for the doer and also to other people around.
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Readers Comments

evergrateful wrote: Yes, we should rejoice with others for the good things they are receiving or have.
Bluebell wrote: I believe that one day, very soon kindness is going to be natural, simple and sincere not just an atribute of the "soft at heart". Kindess is contagious, very contagious and may we all contribute to spread it endlessly around the world. Love, Light and Peace.
mitu915 wrote: what hope that gives to you as well to have the blessing to be a witness to a kind act. lovely! it made me laugh that this kid had this permanent grin on his face. how wonderful would that be if that was everyone's 'default' facial expression!!! :) :)
nandini wrote: Thanks for this comment Mitu. I can tell you that I also had this wide grin on my face when I reached home. A smile is contagious, right? God Bless.

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