Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Serving in Africa

--by Leela, posted May 19, 2006
I've believe I've been guided.
Christmas Eve/ Christmas day 12.15am. Sitting outside a church unwilling to disrupt the midnight mass inside, listening vaguely to the singing. Out on the cold steps, the distent noise of the party goers, odd flake of snow my mind wondering. By the time my boyfriend came to get me at about 1.00am, I have this solidly wedged notion in my mind. To do something I had never seriously considered before, to break free of this lovely sheltered protected life I have grown to know and accept unappreciatingly.

I believe sitting on those steps, I was touched by someone or something that fueled me to get into touch with this volenteer company in Africa. So in less than two months from now I am going to work in a Childrens Orphanage in a township in South Africa. To the great surprise of everyone that knew me when I annoucened this, being the mature, level headed rarely impulsive person that I am. Since that time on those steps so many opportunites have opened to me. I admit I am somewhat lost, I finish my A-level exmas in July leave for South Africa for 5 weeks then have to come back for my exam results. Then after that I am unemployed and yes, lost. I believe in the good people of this world and the kindness of others although I could not call myself a believer in the good Faith, many people believe God gave me a nudge that night, but without those special people that helped make it happen then I'd be so much more unfulfilled.

I love to see sites smiliar to these, I truely think that people who are as amazingly helpful and caring as you guys are like the living angels of this planet. Hopefully this site increases those numbers, its not like the world doesn't need it, right?!
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Kathryn wrote: You must be back now, as the results are out. ~I can really see that was a scary thing to do, especially when what is ahead is quite vague. But I hope you had some great moments and that things are working well for you. If and when you feel they are not - you really do have plenty of time and however you manage, you will do what you are supposed to. Honestly. It's taken me about 7 years to recognise this and I thought I was making a mess of it all. Keep hold of your belief in yourself and the things you are guided to do.

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