Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Three Little Things That Made A Big Difference

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Jul 24, 2008

This week I was reminded that everything we do matters in life. I did 3 small things this week that I found out made a big difference to someone else. 

I waved to a new neighbor who was intensely watching her little boy in the yard. She broke into a smile and a few days later told me that I had changed the rest of her day for the better with my small gesture.

When I was in the drugstore, the woman stocking cold medicine dropped one. I picked it up and handed it to her, thinking nothing of it.  She thanked me and told me her back was hurting and she appreciated what I did.

I found that a few kind words can touch someone more deeply than you ever could have known. “Thank you” does matter and can make someone feel appreciated.  A sincere “I’m sorry” does make a difference and can lighten a difficult situation.  And a few thoughts from the heart grow larger when they reach someone else’s heart.

I barely thought much about it when I did any of these things. But I was reminded yet again that everything we do matters. Never underestimate the impact you may have on someone!

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Readers Comments

xbeldaran wrote: isnt this so true.. something simple that we do as par for the course can make another persons day seem brighter thanks for sharing
brighteyes wrote: WHOO-RAH!
All of those simple kindness make a huge difference...your bucks and note to me sure did...I clicked over to save and savor.
Your loving kindness just pours from your story and it really uplifted me....

You see, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE just being you....

THANK YOU for sharing your stories, thoughts, RAOKs, karmabucks, etc....keep at it friend as I'd miss hearing from you.

HUGS & SMILES & sweet applause from Brighteyes ;)
paganmum wrote: Thats awesome!!! Little things make such a difference... :):) Your story made my day just that much happier. :):)

Thank you!
JuneBug wrote: You are sooo right! Little gestures DO make a difference! People don't like to be thought of as invisible...Good for you,girl! You made 3 people happy!
AURELIA wrote: Thanks for the reminding us to continue doing RAOK and making it second nature to us. You are awesome and I hope to run into you some day...I'll know you when I see the smile on your face...because it'll make me smile right back at you!!! ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: You do make a difference, but from you I would expect nothing less. You gave space to so many people to share the beauty in their hearts and minds and they lift me up
cinnamonhead wrote: so true, we do things all the time and don't realize that we may be helping someones day.
lmil1954 wrote: You are so right! I have always told my employees just a simple "please" and "thank you" goes such a long way, and we use it always at home with our family. It make such a difference to hear, would you get me the milk, please. Right on MSS. Linda:)
PayingForward wrote: Thank you for your kindness in sending my very first "Karma Bucks". I'm not really sure just what they are or what they're for ... but it feels good that someone wanted to share some with me. I enjoyed your profile and this story. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work ... you are helping to change the world one random act of kindness at a time. Grace and Peace to you. ~PayingForward. :)
beej wrote: "It is the little things in life that matter most, it is what dreams are made of lest I should boast"

I look forward to hearing other stories of how you make others smile! Great to read about your awareness! :-)


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