Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing A Batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies

--by eowynts, posted Jul 27, 2008

I love baking. I also love being healthy. So, I obviously can't eat everything I bake! Well, with this cold snap, I thought it would be worth it to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

What did I decide to do with them?  Mail them to friends and relatives who could use the cheer, of course!

I heard of a friend in a custody battle for his son. A box of cookies on the way to him. My snowbound aunt and uncle? Box of cookies for them! A girl at church who just broke up with her boyfriend? Who deserves cookies more? When I ran out of people to send them to, I piled the rest on a plate and took them to the apartment clubhouse office.

A couple of the brown paper packages have already arrived and some have called me crying, saying how much it meant to them.   My first batch of smile cards is on the way, so next time, I'll have a little something extra to add to those packages!

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: What a gesture!!!! You took the time to make so many people's lives happy! Good for you!!! :}
brighteyes wrote: From one baker lover to another ..


'Sugar & Spice and everything NICE..that's what little girls are made of'....

P.S. I got cookies in the mail this Christmas from an Aunt in MA. Oh, what a treat as they were homemade and made and sent love...I ENJOYED EVERY LAST BITE & CRUMB- YUMMY!
AURELIA wrote: Yum! A wonderful way to share and show you care. Thanks for sharing your idea. :) ~Aurelia
Grammagussie wrote: I'll bet the troups would LOVE a batch too. What a neet idea you had. Sweet thoughts of others!!!

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