Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Gas Station Gift I Couldn't Afford

--by bubbie, posted Jul 23, 2011

Just recently, there was a man standing near the islands in the gas station when I pulled in. I had recognized him from before, when I saw him trying to cross 4 lanes of traffic with crutches. He still had his crutches with him.

When I got out of the car he politely asked me if he could pump my gas. I said, no thank you and continued on. I started to notice he asked other people the same question, and I realized he was doing it for money, but he wasn't getting any. As I looked at him, he seemed genuinely worn out and running low on energy.

As I passed by him to go inside, he smiled and commented on how hot it was. I agreed, and asked him if he had walked here. He said yes, he is trying to get donations to be able to keep him and his sick wife in a hotel, because thats the only place left for them, besides the street. I went inside the gas station grabbed a couple of cold waters, and went back outside.

As I approached him and handed him the water, he looked at me with teary eyes, then I handed him the change from a twenty. He looked back at me and said, "God Bless You."

My heart felt so good!

I really couldn't afford to give him what I did, but by golly, at least I have the luxury of knowing where I'll be every night. Most people will call me a sucker and I gave into a bum.

I don't believe that. I did what I thought was right.

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Readers Comments

cinnamonhead wrote: Be kind to strangers for you may be entertaining angels without knowing!
woodcarv101 wrote: I once pondered as to whether "giving in to a bum" is ever really the case. It occurred to me that everyone i give to is helped in some way. Even a scammer can not possibly continue to stare into the faces of one kind, generous, caring person after another without somehow being impacted in a positive way.
Willlow wrote: Bubbie, that was a lovely thing you did. It doesn't matter whether the other person's story was "true" or not. The real gift was yours. "to enjoy the world without judgement is what a realized life is like. " blessings, willow
sajha wrote: Good for you! While discernment is important, when we are prompted to give i think it's best to let go of judgement. How can we know what's really going on with someone in need. Blessings, saj
Divakar wrote: Awesome :) god bless you
imperky wrote: We need to do this more often. Thank you.
Lynn wrote: I dont think you were "taken", he was willing to work, that is not someone who is taking advantage. May he grace you both.
CharlieB wrote: Well done! I have the feeling the good karma will come back around to bless you!
mel wrote: Its amazing how simple it is to help another. Somthing such as cold water and change can change someones day and give them hope! I know i dont have any spare cash at the end of each week but i woulkd have done exactly the same thing for this man. Its easy to judge but it also take nothing to be kind. I believe people like this come into and out of our lives to help us be better people. So looking at it this way you both did eachother a great service :) if i ever am in a situation like this man i hope there are people out there like you! Love and light xo
moral12 wrote: That was a very generous gesture of yours. Many people are hurting in this bad economy, and, your compassion, i'm sure, was much appreciated.

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