Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Children Teaching Kindness in School

--by ruru, posted Jul 30, 2008

We have only just started our Kind Act Campaign and we already are figuring out ways to expand it. The student council wants everyone in the school in on it. They wanted to keep track of the good deeds too, and maybe hang them up. 

Recently Children for Children Inc sent students in the NYC schools  seeds to plant so they can grow them and use them in a volunteering act in the spring. At their site I found pay it forward cards. Well now the students are going classroom to classroom teaching the students how to use them. They want to collect them and decorate the main floor with them.

Card holder does a kind act and gives card to person, that person does one and gives it their person, it goes on until card is filled(5 altogether). The last person gives the card back to the beginning person. They can see how their 1 act triggered many more. COOL!

In a couple of the 3rd grade classes, the students and not the teacher have asked for my help in finding a place to volunteer. They see the Student Council and what they are doing and want to do it, too. 

Kids are amazing!  These inner city kids just amaze me with their creative inspirational and extremely giving side to them.

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Readers Comments

perseverance wrote: great idea thanks
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great, keep us posted!
AURELIA wrote: LOVE IT... These Kids are really motivated to do good deeds, aren't they?
You are really making a difference in your school and community. :) THanks for Caring and sharing. ~Aurelia
Angel4eva wrote: wonderful idea
lmil1954 wrote: This is amazing...isnt it nice when people can say to you"Look what you've done" and it's something good. God Bless are where you are for a very apparent reason! May the sun (SON) continue to shine on you as you keep doing these beautiful things for the kids and for NYC! Bravo! LindaM:)
Neise wrote: Kids really are wonderful. They love helping others out, they feel so good about themselves when they do a good deed. Keep up the good work.

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