Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Inspiration To Give

--by Robert Allou, posted Aug 1, 2008
I went to a Catholic Mission Hospital in Ghana one day, to visit a friend who was a Priest, and medical doctor but was off duty then.

On reaching at the hospital gate, there was this woman who seemed to have traveled from the far away village to send her sick girl to the hospital.

And the girl was actually dying, so pile, with bulged eyes, and flies were all over her body. Also, the mother of this girl who looked so shabbily and tattered could not do anything but to see her poor girl dying on her own laps, since the nurses on duty would not offer her the necessary help, perhaps due to her poverty.

From the hospital gate, the shouts for help from this poor woman drew my attention, so I approached her, took the sick girl from her laps and sent her straight to the consulting room to see the doctor on duty then.

The girl was diagnosed, but only to be told that she is anaemic, so she would need some pints of blood.

Just the mentioned of blood almost sent the poor mother into her graves, since she could not afford the cost of blood from the hospital to save her own  daughter from dying, and even the sight of the mother also tells one that she would rather need more pints of blood than the sick poor girl.

 I therefore, realised the need for some kindness here, so I told the mother of the girl not to worry because the blood would be provided at all cost.

I went back to the doctor to find out whether I could provide the required blood to save the life of this poor little girl? "Why not?" asked the doctor.

The doctor gave me a piece of note to be sent to the Laboratory for a blood test to be conducted. They tested my blood group, 'lo and behold' it was ‘0’ Positive -- "Wow, a universal donor," exclaimed the Laboratory Technician.

Eventually, the blood was taken for the girl and the mother of the girl became very happy and cheerful, and I became like an angel to this poor mother and her sick daughter.

I felt very much relieved in my spirit, and shouted for joy : "Oh God, I thank you that I have been able to save the life of this poor girl, and finally brought back the lost joy to the whole family."

Since that day, I've always been inspired to give.
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Readers Comments

Hemu wrote: U r great person. It really touched me
patti wrote: I'm deeply touched by this. A wonderful story and an inspiration to others.
Trudy wrote: A beautiful and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing x
BedBug wrote: In his wisdom creating us, god made us so that we could give the very blood from our body without hurting ourselves (many say it even is a healthy benefit to the body to donate blood). So we know that his message is that he surely intends for us to give anything we have to help our fellow man. And when we do, as with our blood, it will come back to us in its due time and we are blessed all the more.
alyssafree wrote: you did an amazing thing and you will be forever praised. people might forget what you said or did one day.. but they will never forget how you made them feel.
jonesy51 wrote: A small gift , a massively rich reward , well done.
sethi wrote: Truly inspiring giving without hesitation.
Rama wrote: A great inspiration from the heart
vamshi wrote: Very nice every one should have that type of kindliness.
If we have that type of kindliness we will also give the life to other peoples ans we also became angel to that peoples not only giving life we will give any help even that is small
maer wrote: God bless you always for this most loving and generous act of mercy. God is the giver of all good gifts and He gave to you so you could give in return... as He does with each of us. Let us go forward with open ears and eyes to the needs of others.

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