Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Save the Environment while Grocery Shopping!

--by brighteyes, posted Aug 5, 2008

I am a big conservationist and believe it is our responsibility, as stewards of this earth, to cut down on pollution, excess consumption, ravaging of natural resources, etc. I  try to do my part every day and one way is by refusing to use plastic bags at stores, especially grocery ones. I have my own recycled ones I bring and if not enough, then I ask for paper bags and use them as garbage bags.

When I was out at Whole Foods buying some organic items, I decided to buy several recycled bags and have the cashier or bagger gift them to others in line along with a smile card. At first, the cashier did not understand when I told her what I was doing, why and that I was a member of HelpOthers.  However, the bagger was very receptive, smiling and said, "How cool- sure we'll pick out some people and give them the bag and the card."

I was pleased as it will be DOUBLE RAOK's -- one for the environment and one for the recipient of the recycled bags who can re-use them every time they go shopping like me!

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Readers Comments

Caratyzna wrote: This is the best idea. I've been meaning to buy a bag to use for a while, when I go out to get one now maybe I'll get some extras.
gracieliz wrote: Great idea! I too, forget to take my bags into the store, but recently our Trader Joe's put up a big banner out front, reminding us to "Remember Your Bags". It has helped me immensely, though I have had to walk back to the car every single time! Good exercise.
theresa wrote: that was very nice of you to do that. i'm sure the people that got them were very surprised but happy.
cabbage wrote: Terrific idea! Thanks for sharing a great tip....I always bring my own cloth bags to time I will bring back some "brown bags" to give the bagger.
JuneBug wrote: Excess consumption....Reminds me I need to ''clean out the refrigerator'' The beer I bought yesterday might be expiring!...:}
totemblaze wrote: That is one of the coolest ideas I've heard of in a long time.
Will have to try that the next time I’m at the grocery store.
I’ve used my own bags for years now and have wondered how I might get others to do the same.
AURELIA wrote: Super always come up with the best ways to share! :) ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Whole Foods has reduced their recycled bag costs to $.99 cents to encourage people to buy and use. They plan to eliminate plastic by April 2008. I also collect and re-use the paper and plastic at Safeway and other stores as well as use my recycled bags.

I am so happy to see many are as gungho as me when it comes to recycling! ;)
butterfly wrote: well done! you are very caring and very special. love and light x

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