Readers Comments
eowynts wrote: I don't think you're smug at all. You are rightfully proud. I understand the feeling that you want to get someone a gift--something, anything, just to let that person feel appreciated. You've taught her some valuable lessons.
brighteyes wrote: You and your family are truly blessed...not just with the monetary gifts but more importantly those from the heart.....well done and thanks for sharing.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You have every right to be proud. Stories like this give me hope for our future. Thanks for sharing!
JuneBug wrote: How can you put a price on something like that???? Totally priceless!!!!!
AURELIA wrote: Memories, sweet memories...You are special parents to make her birthday one she'll always remember. And she is wonderful to show you how much it meant to her by telling you she loves you and getting you a little something to say I love you and thanks. I'm smiling at this story...:) ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: I am glad you taught your daughter to believe in fairies. Could it be magic dust that rubbed off on her. No, I don't think so. I think she was blessed with a wonderful Mom and Dad. You have a right to be proud. You did a good job. God Bless
butterfly wrote: i agree with lovebug that it so wonderful that she belives in fairies. you are amazing parents. you are angels, well done. thank you so much for sharing. love and light x
lmil1954 wrote: What a beautiful daughter, dont forget whose influence she has had to live by...she is a gift giver by nature, God bless her, and you, mum! Linda:)
gracieliz wrote: Okay, I'm crying. It's so wonderful when your kids do something like that...thanks for letting me enjoy it vicariously! Yes, you definitely did things right.
nancymz wrote: Wow !! You should feel very proud, you raised a wonderful daughter.
Bless you ...
Bless you ...