Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Anonymous Sodas for Co-workers

--by eowynts, posted Aug 6, 2008

 I received my first delivery of smile cards in the mail yesterday and today I used my first one. At work, there's just a refrigerator full of sodas and a cash box for people to pay 40 cents per can (we don't have a vending machine). So I taped 40 cents to the smile card and put the card on top of the cash box, so the next person to put his or her money in will find it.

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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: WHOO_RAH!!

Your first RAOK and smiley card....that is great....its OK if the idea has been used, what IMPORTANT is the kindnesses given and the ripple effect.

Congrats! Brighteyes ;)
Raqui wrote: Hey i have never even heard of that but i think it is wonderful and i am sure the next person will be very grateful and pass on the thought. Raqui
JuneBug wrote: Doesn't matter if a million people have already thought of the same idea [not that I can say they have...]..The fact is, you did it anyway and made someone happy!
AURELIA wrote: Yippee! You are off to a wonderful start. I love it! Isn't it a great thing to be inspired and then to pass it on to someone else. Enjoy and keep sharing. ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: I don't think I could be included in the million people who had thought to do this. It is good your excited, that excitment will set of the spark of kindness in many people. Stay excited
dazzle wrote: I thought it was a great idea for a first smile card! Great job!
maer wrote: Thanks for the idea and congratulations on adding a smile to someone's face. And to the next, and the next, and next as it gets passed on! We have a goodie basket at work with 50-cent treats. I can do the same! Thanks again.

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