Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Measuring Success with a Smile

--by diane1, posted Aug 8, 2008
While traveling for my documentary project, HEAR US, I pulled up to a busy Phoenix intersection and stopped at a red light. An obviously homeless man began crossing in front of our paused vehicles. I was first in line and was completely preoccupied with the reality that I couldn't find my 1:00 appointment at the nearby (or so I thought) shelter. He turned toward me, pointing to the corners of his mouth, made a universally understood motion to indicate "SMILE" and stood and stared at me. 

With a snicker of someone who had been caught being overly pensive, I flashed a smile, which he recognized as sufficient to trust I'd hold that thought, and he moved on to the vehicle next to me, repeating his motions. They needed a little help, so our Mr. Smiley pointed up to the sky, circling his finger in a "divine" gesture, then stretched out his arms to indicate a worldwide expectation, and then the smile routine again. Finally, just in time for the light to change, they got it and smiled. He scooted out of the way and we moved on, me with a smile on my face that lasted longer than the red light.
Because I was trying to find an obscure location, I ended up circling around, coming up to the same intersection, this time sitting a few vehicles behind the front. I watched the end of Mr. Smiley's performance on the intersecting street, and marveled as this relentless smile-inducer scrambled to get to his next customers, our line of traffic.
Meticulously he tended to the frowning drivers and passengers of each vehicle, not satisfied until they shook off their disdain for his grungy appearance and simply smiled. Although he has no apparent way of gauging the quality of happiness he imparts, he can at least quantify the outward response--the smile, his measure of success.

My friend never made a motion indicating he needed money, perhaps because he had what money couldn't buy, the best job in the world, making people happy. His mime motions communicated more than expensive therapists, mega-bucks ad campaigns, or a pile of self-help books ever could: smile, life is short, be happy, the world is watching!
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Readers Comments

brighteyes wrote: the picture and the story....Mr Smiley and you too has me smiling! Good Luck, Brighteyes ;)
Raqui wrote: There is a man who does things to make people smile in my area also. I think i will write about him. Thank you for sharing your story. I find it amazing how people try to make others smile. Raqui
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great story, thanks for sharing! I am in Phoenix and will keep an eye out for our smile friend!
Shannanigans wrote: I bet he would be thrilled to know that by passing his story on, he has made countless others smile too!
aparna wrote: life is all about making a difference and adding a smile to others lives like the person in the story did. :)
Ruchi wrote: :) :) :) .............keep smiling!!!! :)
letmebealittleki wrote: Oh, the power of a simple smile! I recently compiled some quotes on the subject. Here are just a few to add to the wonderful point this story makes.

The world is like a mirror: Frown at it, and it frowns at you; smile at it and it smiles too. — Herbert Samuels

Most smiles are started by another smile.
— Frank A. Clark

If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.
— Les Giblin

A smile is the lighting system of the face and the heating system of the heart. — Barbara Johnson

A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating the heart is at home. — Author Unknown

Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other? — George Eliot

And last but not least, here's one by Mother Teresa:

Smile at each other,smile at your wife,
smile at your husband, smile at your
children, it doesn’t matter who it is, and
that will help you to grow up in greater
love for each other.
— Mother Teresa
harleyrob wrote: Smile at everyone..make them happy and in turn make yourself happy..
Laura wrote: A smile passed from face to face can brighten up most any place.

If you see a person without a smile, give them one of yours.

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