Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Making My Life Worth It

--by Clueless, posted Aug 15, 2008

One day, after I finished my classes at university and was heading towards the bus station to go home, I kept thinking about how miserable my life was and how I couldn't succeed in anything. I was really sad and I thought I'd never do anything worth it in my life.

Then, I arrived at the bus station. I was looking around and watching people passing by.  I saw this very old lady who was carrying a very heavy bag. I kept watching her for a while and noticed that she was struggling to walk while carrying this bag. So, I decided to go up to her and offer to carry the bag and walk with her to wherever she was going.  She looked at me, shocked at first, but then she gave me the bag and smiled :) I walked with her until she reached her destination and I handed her the bag. She was still smiling and kept thanking me and wishing me the best of everything.

I really can't describe how happy I felt after she left. Yes, I made her happy but I was the happiest person on earth at this moment. It feels great to help people and makes my life feel worth it!!

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Readers Comments

yeah.... wrote: Yeah. Same exp for me. I have felt useless manytimes and when i help someone. Just feel as if i am the one in this whole world to be happy.
Winfred wrote: That is the paradox of life. We give someone a helping hand and we often think we did it for the person. You helped someone who needed help but you rather needed the help. By making the old lady happy, you ended up making yourself happier. Good work done!
makethemsmile wrote: That was a good thing that you look beyond your own distress to help someone else.May you forever have help when you are in need of one.I CARE.
mm wrote: There is no better way to make yourself feel better, than helping someone else. Good for you!
yatrik wrote: yes clueless it is right that we are getting happy cause we are giving is the prayer for soul!!!!!!!!
akbj wrote: Wow, I can identify with how you were feeling, & am so glad that you were able to help lift the burden of someone else who needed a hand. Seemingly little things like that can really make a difference in how we feel about ourselves. You are a good person with a lot to offer.
Mahsa wrote: in iran it's an usual work to help people;)
samuel wrote: I believe in what she wrote because this is how I also perceive life. There are countless number of "little" things that make our lives worth it and not in the abundance of our possessions or successes.
Ali wrote: It's when we learn to look beyond ourselves that we capture a whole new perspective. Yes, you are worth it!
cabbage wrote: You rock!! Thanks for being there. I know there have been times when I've been carrying a heavy bag and I would love to have found an angel like you to help me up the hill! :-) Keep up the great work!

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