Stories of Kindness from Around the World

For The Love of Books

--by brindlegirl, posted Oct 4, 2015
All week I have been sorting through every book we own. Childrens books, recipe books, self help, reference books, novels, them all.

We have so many, too many for one person to enjoy so I've decided to donate the majority of them. Most I will be donating to a book fair that raises money every year by selling used books. But then there are some, some books that touched me deeply and helped me in life in so many ways.

These books I've decided to gift to those that need them. I will leave them along with a note explaining it all in random places such as bus stops and hospitals. Places where people can really use a book. I have also today gone through all our shoes, shoes that we no longer wear but are still wearable to donate and give to those who have no shoes. Books and shoes, such a gift, and something we all have many of yet there are those out there who have none. Giving brings me joy!

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Readers Comments

virgtom08 wrote: I give my books to the local prison and half-way houses. They are much appreciated there. Once i read fiction it's on it's way to someone else.
NALINI wrote: Awsome,i lovved it.
kvpsummer wrote: Beautiful

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