Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Roses and Newspapers

--by Tamara, posted May 19, 2006
Hi I'm 12 years old and I recently saw a movie called 'Pay It Foreward'. It was all about doing random acts of kindness.

On mothers day today we had a bunch of roses in our church that went out to all the mothers. There were a few extra so i took the extra ones home with me and placed them on people in my neighborhoods doorsteps. Then when i was delivering newpapers on wednesday one of my neighbors had seen me drop of a rose at their doorstep, ran up to me and gave me a huge hug.

That had made my day, that sometimes people just need something small like a rose to make them happy!
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Readers Comments

Joy wrote: Tamara,

That's awesome. It is always about the little things. =)
Michelle wrote: Tamara,

'Pay it Forward' is one my favorite movies - the idea that anyone with the desire to make a difference can have an unbelievable effect on everyone around them. Even though I totally bawled at the end like everyone else, the message has always stuck.

That was so thoughtful of you and you know you made a difference to your neighbor if they couldn't wait to thank you three days later..... what a beautiful heart you have! :)
Linda wrote: Tamara, Sometimes people think of nice things to do like you did, but they don't do them. It takes some courage to be kind sometimes. Good job. I'm sure you made that person's day!
TXWildflower wrote: I love that movie too! Thank you for sharing your awesome story with us. What a great way to use my smile cards!

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