Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Leaving Sweet Treats

--by cinnamonhead, posted Aug 29, 2008

I have been "tagging" at work, which is very easy since I work late and everyone else is gone by the time I leave.   The people at work  have begun to pass it on to others, as well.  We work in a kitchen at a college so to say it is stressful is an understatement. These kids eat alot!  Our  work space is very tight and crowded in the kitchen , which is one reason I work later.

I've been leaving tea and mugs with candy with a card for a sweet treat.  Others I have heard have copied this idea and it has become like a game. Only one person was annoyed. I was so surprised when I heard that someone had reached out and this person was annoyed because she now felt like she had to do this.

I guess you can't expect everyone to feel the way you do when you give , but it is good to know that others have gotten the positive out of it.

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: I think this is such a cute idea! AND, YES, THERE IS ALWAYS ONE IN THE CROWD WHO HAS TO BE A SNOOT! Cheers to you! :}
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: It's best to focus on the many smiles you gave and not the one who didn't. Keep up the great work!
brighteyes wrote: We are giving without thought of repayment....all you were asking of this co-worker was to pay it forward to someone else....but fantastic ideas and I agree with MakeSomeoneSmile ...focus on the Kindness and the ripple effect! ;)
mitu915 wrote: lol, that's funny, she got annoyed. i think what happens is that in theory it may sound like work, but once you experience the joy that comes only after or while you are engaged in the giving, you realize that it is not work at all! :) how ironic.
lOVEBUG wrote: There is a lot of peer presure, intended or not to preform as everyone else does.This annoyed person might give in ways we would never think to give. Keep spreading your cheer and all will be well
kissingurami wrote: i'm glad you're passing on the smile cards to college kids... they must be so stressed sometimes. i hope you receive one back, perhaps.

i know there is one lunch lady who ALWAYS has a smile on her face when i go up to tell her my order. she seems so excited to serve us and it's hard not to smile back =)
theresa wrote: that is so nice of you to try to keep the college kids happy.
lmil1954 wrote: way to go cinnamonhead! Have fun, stay blessed! Linda:)
elizaliza wrote: People are different and some of them just aren't touched by even the littlest gesture of kindness. Don't anyone's negative response upset you, it just part of living.Love yah!
iferlamb wrote: It is a shame that some people are too cynical and always seeing the down side of things, looking to what's wrong instead of seeing what's right. They just haven't been touched yet. Don't give up on her. She needs love more than most. I hope someday she gets it like you do. :)

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