A volunteer, by definition, serves and improves our community. But a little birdie once told me there are some volunteers who prefer to laze around and play Candy Land instead of getting any real work done. I assume these people believe that since they are volunteering, they are automatically helping and consequently forget to put genuine sweat into their work. Is it possible to have your peacock feathers a bit too fully displayed and misdirect your admirable intentions?
I posed the following questions to a bunch of my cronies who have years of experience in the nonprofit sector: What makes a first-rate volunteer? What makes a helplessly high-maintenance volunteer? How can a person become a super-hero volunteer?
Listen to the following advice of my friends. I’ll be bold enough to guarantee that my grass-roots amigos can steer you down the most direct boulevard to becoming a kick-butt volunteer.
Jennifer Beahrs, a Teach for America alumnus who spent a year teaching children living in poverty in India, gives three pointers:
- Good volunteers take their work as seriously as they would if they were getting paid. Bad volunteers think they are a big help no matter what they do because they’re not getting paid. This results in disappointed colleagues who rely on volunteers to be responsible.
- Good volunteers are doing it because they believe in the mission. Bad volunteers are doing it because it looks good on their resumé (or because they have the hots for another volunteer).
- Good volunteers “know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em” (according to Kenny Rogers, The Gambler). They know when to “step up” to responsibility as needed and when it’s time to “step down” a bit to let someone else make a decision.
William Most, Harvard graduate, environmental activist and pro pedal boat racer offers his three:
- Be proactive! It’s not easy for organizations to figure out how best to use volunteers, so actively figure out ways to contribute and be useful.
- Help raise money! Throw fundraisers. Consider making a deal with a local bar who agrees to donate a dollar from very drink on a certain day, and then invite all your friends to join you for a happy hour. What’s better then getting boozed up while raising cash for a good cause?
- Let them know if you are coming or not! It’s okay if you have to flake—but be sure the organizer knows ahead of time.
Faye Johnson, a native of South Africa who interned with Human Rights Watch and currently works on foreign affairs issues for the U.S. government, makes this strong point:
I never hire anyone who says, “I’ll come, but I am ONLY doing this or that.” These people will take more time then they are worth to train because they refuse to jump in where they are needed and don’t take initiative. I will ask a potential volunteer how adamant they are about their stipulation—they might just be nervous or underconfident. Nervousness can be remedied by giving assurances. But if the person still seems adamant about doing only one task, and it’s a multi-task project, I will look for someone else.
Tara Ebrahimi, who volunteers her summers to work with Native American tribes and makes a mean root beer float for the elderly has this to say:
- The critical thing to remember is that YOU are there to help THEM. Don’t be fussy about what you are assigned to do; sometimes it might seem like you’re doing something trivial or inane, like stuffing envelopes, but every little thing helps and there are a million little tasks necessary to run an organization.
- Be aware of the “Mother Teresa” syndrome: a longing to help everyone. Overextending yourself in volunteering can leave a yucky taste in your mouth. In my humble estimation, helping one person is a whole lot better than helping a lot of people just a little bit. Plus, you have the power to create a chain of volunteerism.
Lastly, my dear friend Adam Fink, a true humanitarian who recently returned from two years in Africa where he worked with the organization Invisible Children, came up with the following "Ten Commandments For Volunteers":
- Be purposeful. Know what skills you have to contribute before you arrive on the scene.
- Be flexible. This includes being prepared to do administrative grunt work. (Sorry, not all aid work involves washing babies and hugging orphaned children.)
- Be reflective. Constantly question your motives. Ask yourself why you are helping, think of your motivation, and keep that at the forefront of your mind.
- Be receptive. Learn as much as you can. That said, be wary of engaging for too long with veterans who have become hardened and cynical from their work. Instead, find long-termers with hope still gleaming in their eyes. Then, latch on with open ears.
- Be positive. Take pride in your idealism—you need it to ward off cynicism’s approach to your difficult environment.
- Be realistic. Your idealism can be balanced only by the knowledge that you are not here to save the world, but to play one specific role and that you may never witness the effects of your efforts.
- Be independent. Much of your work will depend on your personal initiative. Be a team player, but do not rely on others to guide you every step of the way.
- Be empathetic. Your ability to succeed will depend upon your connection to and understanding of the people you work with.
- Be humble. Don’t speak much. Listen. Avoid grandiose conclusions about a problem, community, or philosophy that you were recently introduced to. Act. Think. Feel. But don’t come to too many conclusions—they will only halt your experiential learning process.
- Have a ball. Just be sure you’ve earned it.
In conclusion, it is possible for a person to show up in his or her best volunteering outfit with polished teeth shining and end up being more of a pain in the tushie. Before you start bragging about your work with near-sighted orphans, take a moment to reflect upon your involvement. It’s best to make sure that your exertions match your intentions before you go forth and save the world!
[Excerpted from Social Cause Diet, by Gail Johnston]