Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Jungle in Calais

--by AndiCas, posted Oct 15, 2015
A little while ago I mentioned that a friend of mine was involved with an organization providing relief to refugees and others in the camp known as The Jungle in Calais. Last weekend she and her teenage son went there to distribute donations collected in their area and to assess what is most needed over the coming months. I admire her so much and really feel that her son's help there should be shouted from the rooftops as a counter to all the negativity we hear about young people today.

The photo is one she took when footballs were distributed! So many of the 'men' in the camp are actually youngsters and there were many games of football going on so the balls went down very well :)

Here's a piece she wrote about their trip.

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Readers Comments

Lynn Waring wrote: Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful and positive story! You, your friend, and her son are a bright light shining to remind us of all the good! :)
Riona wrote: Thank you for sharing this story - so important to hear of the good people are doing!
seamar67 wrote: Very inspirational story and a lovely link, thank you AndiCas.
kjoyw wrote: God bless you and all these other people for helping so many in disparate need. Bless all of you and the people they are helping.
savraj wrote: Such a powerful inspiration
mish wrote: Wow! Awesome.
terre wrote: Thank you for sharing your friend's story. I now have an idea of what some of the refugee camps are like. I would be interested to know how different and women and children's refugee camp is.
melnotes wrote: Awesome share! Thank you :)

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