Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Drinking Water Project For Kids in My Area

--by rs1171, posted Oct 16, 2015
Government schools in India have very limited facilities, and drinking water is one of them. On a regular basis about 20 government school kids pass by my house. Today I assembled and distributed water bottles to all of them. I have also told them that they can refill the water bottle at my home every day before going to school. (Potable water is not available at the place where they live).

The kids were really happy with the colorful water bottles. I am thankful to this community in helping me do positive deeds. Thank you. Thank you, Thank you.

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Readers Comments

KM Bhai wrote: Very great act of kindness by you. Thanks friend. If you can provide the location of that government school, i can help in arranging water facilities in the school.

Thank you so much!

Donna wrote: Thank you for your act of kindness in providing water bottles and water for the students.
Sandra Rodrick wrote: Sharing is caring. Thank you for sharing what you have with those doing without. So many of us take water for granted. Most of us expect to turn on the faucet and it will be there- delicious and free from harm forgettign this is not always the case for so many. Thankyou for being so creative and helping the health of the future. 8
lindariebel wrote: What a perfect start to the day for them. Big karma hugs to you.
debussy wrote: What a wonderful idea! If you were able to receive karma bucks, i'd certainly send you some!
Karen wrote: Very inspiring. Your kindness would never be forgotten by the kids. Hopefully, they will continue the kindness you have started.
tien wrote: Ho wonderful this act of kindness is! I would love to help in some way. Could our students send water bottles of $ for you to buy more water bottles. Would any of your neighbors be willing to share water, too, if they had the water bottles? This so inspires me. Thank you for sharing and for what you are doing.
Satish Kumar wrote: Great idea and wonderful work. Thank you for sharing this idea, which is the need of hour and implementable.
Ak wrote: You are amazing! So inspiring.
rc wrote: This is really awesome! Thank you for inspiring me!

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