Readers Comments
splain wrote: You are braver than me!!
kjoyw wrote: Your English is just fine! Amazing, actually. And hugs to you,(((((Maurizio))))) Blessings, kjoyw
KindMyst wrote: Definitely super brave Maurizio. The smiles and people waiting for hugs is something to look forward too. Keep the hugs coming. Ciao.
mish wrote: How awesome, Maurizio!!! You had them lining up for hugs! Love this :))). Your english is just fine too.
leoladyc728 wrote: Sounds like fun.
mindyjourney wrote: Lovely ((((hugs))) and how the they were waiting in line to receive! Well done, my friend.
AndiCas wrote: Maurizio that is just SO fabulous :) You are a brave soul, and obviously very hugable!! Here is an additional hug to add to your collection (((( Maurizio))))
melnotes wrote: Lol, this card is one I keep avoiding!
terre wrote: I'm glad you didn't stop at 5! Hugs do make people happy. Well done. And your English is much better than my Italian.
AnnC wrote: That is wonderful! I have never been brave enough to try that one! Good for you. And your english is great.