Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Got no snow here...Knock on wood! Been raining alot,though. Maybe I could soap up someone's car??? :}
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I'd take the pledge but I'd only be wiping off dust here in Arizona! Thanks for caring and making life just a little easier for a stranger. You are awesome brighteyes!
AURELIA wrote: I know what you mean, we've had over 30inches of snow already here. It seems like I just get done shoveling, and wake up and there's more~! That was a really nice thing to do for someone. I will have to remember that one. :) ~AUrelia
cassiemeadows wrote: that was very good of you. i've only seen snow one, living in autralia, so i can only imagine how much that would have ment to the owner of the car you helped.
well done Brighteyes! you are a constant inpiration to us all. Take care! xx
well done Brighteyes! you are a constant inpiration to us all. Take care! xx
lmil1954 wrote: Yes, I'll take the pledge. My hubby always did that too, as well as cleaning up dog poop from the yard and always cleaning the front that he is away...yea, I do it all myself, and when it snows, I try to get to my neighbor's front walk before he shovels cos he's older than me. It's rewarding! I'll do it.
Elinore wrote: Now that sounds like a wonderful idea. I will do my part, too.