Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Signal to Help a New Mom

--by Marianna, posted Sep 17, 2008

While shopping at my local Walmart  I noticed a young girl ahead of me.  She had with her what looked like a newborn infant in the cart along with diapers, formula, and other food items.  This young mother wasn't the average mom shopping at Walmart.  The pierced nose and tongue might have discouraged others from helping her.  

The cashier rung up her items and the girl gave the cashier her credit card.  The credit card was declined and the girl looked at the cashier embarassed and horrified.  The cashier gave the girl the option of keeping her items in the cart while  the girl went to get the necessary money.  I wasn't sure if this was the person I was supposed to help, after all there seemed to be a lot of stuff in her cart, and I am a single parent myself. 

The girl left, supposedly to go get her money.  I told myself that if the girl came back, that would be my signal to help her.  The girl came back at the exact moment that the cashier was done ringing up my groceries.  She told the cashier,  " I have the right card now." 

This was my clue, so I stepped up and very quietly told the cashier that I would take care of it while handing her my check card.  The girl said, "No, I've got it."  I said, "It's ok, consider it a random act of kindness and pass it on.  I know what it's like to be a new Mom."  The bill came to over $150, but I know that that girl will never forget it and that next time she saw someone in need, she would repeat the favor.

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Readers Comments

Kiran wrote: You are really generous and very empathetic.

May god bless you.
Peggy Gorman wrote: You did a beautiful thing and it is something she will never forget
Firecrystals wrote: That was so nice of you. I do wish i had ever thought of something like that.
BedBug wrote: With that act you may have changed a person's entire life. It would be easy for her, in a difficult situation, to have a jaded view. I'm sure you restored her faith in humanity and she will pass along the kindness many times over.
sego wrote: There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative - clement stone
All i have to say is well done,you are my inspiration - let karma do its magic
warmth wrote: I m sure she must paid it fwd. Thank u so much for helping her and sharing this inspiring story :)
irongrace wrote: Awesome you are definatley doing the act of passing on kindness.
janet wrote: I have come to this site to learn how to act with your kind of courage in my life.

Thank you for showing the way to really meaningful, loving kindness
Diana wrote: What a beautiful thing to do i hope something wonderful comes back to you, i wish there was more people in the world like you.
maer wrote: All i can say is 'wow' and thank you! Amazing!

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