Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping each other find our way through the day

--by savraj, posted Nov 13, 2015
I was taking my fifteen-minute walk break at work today when a sweet elderly gentleman asked me for directions. He was going to his physiotherapy appointment. I pointed him towards what I thought was the right direction but he seemed hesitant so I walked with him up the stairs and down the hall to be sure. He was right! He was not in the right place!

We were directed down another hallway and still couldn't find the right place. Finally, we decided to call his wife and found out that he was in the wrong complex altogether. The poor man looked so sad and lost but tried to keep positive and kept thanking me. He was so disoriented that we couldn't even find his car right away.

When we finally did, I gave him directions on how to find the other complex which was down the road. I hope with all my heart that he found it. He continued to thank me. but all I wanted to do was thank him.

Prior to meeting him, I was having a very hectic, disconnected day. After being in his presence, I felt mindful and myself again. I kept thinking about how much he must have given to society in his many years here. And it was my privilege and duty to help him in this very small way. I wish I could have done more. I hope a shining light guided him to his destination and then back home.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You were each others' Angels! Beautiful x
seamar67 wrote: Bless you!
kjoyw wrote: You certainly did a great kindness. By helping him, you were also with him and it sounds like he really needed that. Sounds like you did too. Perfect timing by the Universe, once again!
splain wrote: Helping that worked both ways, perfect
Novice50 wrote: What a gift to both of you! Beautiful work...
kiwicat wrote: So kind!
AndiCas wrote: Medical complexes are designed to confuse, I'm sure. I'm so pleased you were there for this gentleman.
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your extra kindness, time and guidance with elderly gentleman <3. In helping others find their way often it is us who are found <3.
melnotes wrote: Wonderful kindness :)
Jean wrote: Oh wow that could have been my dad. The way you describe the old man sounds just like him. He needs a helping hand now and then, as we all will if we live so long. And he is always radiantly grateful for any help he gets, as i hope i can be when it's my turn to need help.

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