Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kind Neighbor

--by starryskies, posted Oct 30, 2015
Today I'm grateful for small gestures of kindness. I was walking my parents' dog, Max, who tends to react anxiously towards loud noises, etc. As we turned the corner, I saw that one of our neighbors was cutting his lawn with a ride-on mower. When he saw us, he stopped, smiled, and waved. He started again when we passed. Such a small gesture but I really appreciated his thoughtfulness.

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama
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Readers Comments

Brindlegirl wrote: It's always the little things that touch us most ♥
splain wrote: That could really just make your day.
mish wrote: Sweet share, Starry. Dogs' hearing so sensitive too.
kjoyw wrote: Such wisdom here. Kindness is always possible!
savraj wrote: That's so nice!
terre wrote: Sweet!
melnotes wrote: Winnie the Pooh!
AndiCas wrote: Very sweet of him
lya348 wrote: It is amazing how such a small act of kindness can resonate.
starryskies wrote: Thanks, all!! ♡♡♡

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