Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Offering My Job to A Friend in Need

--by beej, posted Sep 4, 2008

I was working for a company in Australia that has a high turnover of staff. I, too, had found a better position and was very aware that management would be dissapointed that I was leaving.

I had recently become friends with a young man who had just migrated to Australia. He was unskilled and was finding life difficult being unemployed and married and having two young children.

As I handed in my notice I was asked if I was aware of anyone who was looking for work and could do the job as well as I had done. I took this opportunity to line up an interview for my new friend. My friend was not offered the job after the interview.

I had to serve a weeks notice and during this time I asked management the reasons why my friend was turned down. They claimed that his English was not good enough to train him for the position. I suggested that it would be in the interests of the company to give my friend a trial whilst I was available to train him. I persisted, as I believed that once given the time to learn, my friend could do the job. After a weeks instruction, he was employed and was happy with his position, which made it a win-win outcome for the company and for my friend.

I am aware of how the horrors of war had forced this man to leave his homeland and what price he had paid for doing so.  I appreciate being able to live in Australia and believe that this appreciation is best demonstrated by acts of kindness to those who seek refuge from the horrors of war. Remembering the smile of appreciation from this man continues to motivate me to be kind.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Wow! You did a fantastic thing, my friend! Very, very well done!
MINtyfresh353 wrote: Absolutely amazing! YOU are one of the few people who willingly spends both time and effort to help others. That's a rare combination to have these days. And, I'm glad it's still visible for the rest of the world to witness.
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is great what you did for your friend! Keep up the great work!
JuneBug wrote: You did such a wonderful thing! You helped feed and cloth a family! I think that's awesome! :}
brighteyes wrote: Thank you for sharing your story and for your efforts on behalf of your friend! ;)
najma wrote: That was very kind of you as it must have took some effort to persuade your company, and how happy it must have made your friend to receive this kindness in a strange land
lovebug wrote: I can't say I have any understanding of how Australians think, I never had the opportunity to visit. But I do know a lot about how americans think. 98% have no idea of the wounds of living in a war zone.
Hopefully your understanding did not come through experience.
No matter, you do understand and that is enough. Good job, you got a thumbs up from me.
kathrynmarie wrote: That's a really cool way of helping someone, beej! Helping people when they can't help themselves is way powerful. Thanks for sharing this.
sampath wrote: This is why still i have faith in humanity. Thank you frined for the work of help you did

You helped him to catch the fish not to depend on you
Aurelia wrote: You are a true friend. You went above and beyond to help him in a time of need. Thank you for caring so deeply and for being persistant. I love a happy ending and new beginnings. :0) ~aurelia

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