Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Karma Bus

--by alieneeeter, posted Sep 8, 2008

A few weeks ago I missed my bus (actually the driver wasn't paying attention and drove past me!).  It was really cold that day, so I went to this little diner a block from my bus stop while I waited for the next one.  There was only one slight problem: besides my bus money I had a whole 35 cents on me and they didn't take credit cards.  The waitress was super-nice and offered to buy me a cup of coffee, and we chatted a little while I was waiting.

A week later I missed the bus again, but this time I had money so when I went to the diner and ordered some breakfast.  I was able to leave that same waitress a 100% tip.

I figured that was that.  However, after I got onto the bus, this couple got on.  They wanted 2 day passes, but were short fifteen cents and while the woman was digging for more change that she didn't have, the machine spit out only one ride pass.  They sat down behind me and were lamenting on how one of them would get home that night, so I gave them the money they would need.

I'm really glad I missed my bus that day.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: And I'm really glad you shared your story! Isn't it great how The Plan works out if only you approach it with a willing heart?
MINtyfresh353 wrote: I love it when opportunities arise. I always wonder if God specifically put me in that position at that time and place so that I could affect someone else's life. I like to believe that those kinds of things are meant to be. Thanks for your share of stories. This one touched home!
makesomeonesmile wrote: How nice that you made the most out of that event. What a great perspective!
AURELIA wrote: Super! You really made the most of it! I am glad that the waitress reached out to you and you in turn were able to really think and start making a difference too.... The Ripple Effect continues. :) ~Aureila
lmil1954 wrote: I believe for sure that GOD DID put you in that place and that time for a reason, and that His reasons are always specific and His timing always perfect. God bless you. Linda:)
brighteyes wrote: I believe if you ask God for kindness opportunities, they present themselves....but its important to keep your eyes and ears open....also by focusing on kindness...YOU ARE MORE AWARE OF KINDNESS IN YOUR LIFE & OTHERS AND CREATE AND SHARE MORE RAOK''s a cycle and a circle of energy you create and keep in moment thru your intentions, actions and love. ;)
lovebug wrote: Yours was indeed a inspiring story. I do not believe in coincidence, it takes so little to make a difference. Have to give you two tumbs up.
kcsmiles wrote: What a great story!
warmth wrote: U r such a sweetheart. No doubt u r so glad at u missing the bus and paying it forward
kirit wrote: Friend you are blessed, such opportunities do not come to every one.

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