Readers Comments
mish wrote: I hope no one admires this pair, twinnie!!!!! :)))))
kperrine wrote: I think they will look purrectly awesome on Mindy only!
lt33 wrote: What an amazing selfless act on your part & to make that sales lady's week & so cool that u were able to get them again & on sale ðŸ‘
balou wrote: opal wings for Mindy :-)
splain wrote: Mindy sooooooooooo true. You have to wonder what is out there that we just can't question. You give something that you love away and bang, comes back in an amazing way. Don't you love it?
savraj wrote: So beautiful. They are yours again. Maybe even yours to give away again! 😃â¤ï¸
leoladyc728 wrote: Great earrings and what a kind thing you did by giving away your other pair.
AndiCas wrote: Certainly meant to be :)
pluto178 wrote: Or it cost you 125% for those earrings.........or you are keeping earring makers in full time employment.....or.......its synchronicity. x
melnotes wrote: Yes Mindy I have that saying printed on a card in my bedroom, if you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it was your s if it doesnt it was never meant to be" Beautiful share xx