Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My kindness journey across USA

--by petroskryf, posted Nov 3, 2015
Kindness makes the world go round.

I am now on a plane somewhere above Russia after a wonderful journey to the USA. And during this journey I encountered so much kindness from different people.

There is Elandra in New Orleans, who walked with my husband and me in an effort to find a museum that we couldn't find because we got the wrong address. And she remembered our faces from the previous day when we ordered something at the restaurant where she works. The warmth of the people of Louisiana will always stay with me.

In Maine, the people at the local laundry helped us find our way around there because we were not quite familiar with the washing machines. And they talked with us and shared a bit of their life.

And in New York we experienced the locals as very helpful: When we were on the wrong subway train, they directed us. We never experienced the so called always-in-a-hurry New Yorkers as rude or too much occupied to help us when we needed assistance. And at the 9/11 Memorial Museum we could share that kind of grief that connects people all over the world.

On our last Sunday in New York, my dear KindSpring friend, Mish, and her husband invited us to their home although they didn't know us really at all. and Mindy sent me some beautiful paper doves to treasure and share.

This is Kindness to the core. This is what matters really in life. Thank you for this wonderful platform where you don't need a visa or Green Card to connect. The only requirement is: kindness.
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Readers Comments

kperrine wrote: So grateful that you are having a wonderful trip! Mish & Mindy certainly are sweeties! I hope you have many more safe journeys. If you ever travel to the Pocono Mountains in PA please let me know. I'll give you a tour!
splain wrote: It sounds like you had a wonderful time. People respond to kindness and then it keeps getting passed on. have a safe trip
lt33 wrote: Wow what a beautiful experience you had & great travels too I'll be headed to Florida to see my uncle I lost my aunt so its gonna be hard to stay at their house since her passing but my uncle has been missing her & well keep each other co.
mindyjourney wrote: Kindness is our journey, my glad you enjoyed the truth of our connect, love <3, no matter where you travel. Blessings.
terre wrote: I'm glad your trip has been so good for you. When we are open to kindness, it always finds us.
mish wrote: Thank you for spreading your beautiful energy everywhere you & Jan journey, Petro. It was an honor to have you both with us. I hope you visit us again. Hugs x
balou wrote: This sounds like a great visit to the US! Glad you received so much kindness ... am sure you deserved it :-) ... and Mish and Mindy are our kindness-champions here!!!
kmbhai wrote: beautiful !!
melnotes wrote: Loved seeing the photo of you and Mish, wonderful expereince to meet in person! Safe travels xx
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for all your special comments!

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