Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Catchy titles shared

--by AnnC, posted Nov 2, 2015
"Donate your favorite book to the nearest library with a note inside on why you love it!" was my smile deck challenge today.

The daughter of a friend of mine and her children just started a "Little Free Library" ( in their neighborhood. There are lots of kids in that neighborhood and so I knew this would be the perfect place to donate some of the books that I read to my children and to my grandchildren that they have now outgrown.

So I donated several books (including The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Velveteen Rabbit, Charlotte's Web, Where the Wild Things Are and others) to this Little Free Library

2420 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Some excelllent books you donated to such a worthy cause! Thank you :)))))
kjoyw wrote: Just love those Little Free Libraries!
RoseMarie wrote: Lol the very hungry caterpillar and the velveteen rabbit, old favourites. We don't have free libraries, do they just sit at the bottom of your driveway?
splain wrote: What a great way to get children to read.
mish wrote: Great, Ann. Hugs x
bountiful wrote: I love that idea of little free libaries...Im thinking of placing on by my place, and love the house idea, like the picture above..keep you posted....
bountiful wrote: fantastic Ann thankyou for sharing xx
tien wrote: I have ben seeing so many of these little libraries around and love it!
savraj wrote: The idea is spreading! Love those books!
leoladyc728 wrote: All wonderful stories. Thank you for sharing them.

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