Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Only a Phone Call Away

--by wotserface, posted Sep 19, 2008

Serving as a Moderator for an online IH (intracranial hypertension) support group has allowed me to share my knowledge and experience of living with IH with others. The group is predominantly American, and I have to say, the most caring and friendly people I've ever spoken to and one day hope to meet.

Recently some British members have joined the group, many of whom have recently been diagnosed and are finding it hard to get to grips with their IH. I've been lucky enough to get to know these members and have empathised entirely with their situations and feelings. So much so that I gave them both my home number and mobile number, in case they should ever need a shoulder, or just a friend to listen.

We often text now too and I would like to think I've taken some of their feeling of being isolated away from them -- they now know that I'm merely a phone call away. How fantastic are these technologies, when they give you the opportunity to be able to connect with people, and know that you are not only helping them in some way, but you are also helping yourself too by becoming a better person.

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Readers Comments

perseverance wrote: thanks for sharing
brighteyes wrote: Yours is a special type of kindness that I can appreciate....reaching out to others in need, listening, caring, sharing like experiences and IH tryulu makes a difference to others....keep up the good job you're doing...4 smiles story (wink) ;)

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