Stories of Kindness from Around the World

On the Way to a Job Interview

--by Molly, posted Sep 10, 2008

[A letter to Abby, in her column last week.]

Dear Abby: Please let the world know that kind people still exist.

I was on my way to two job interviews. Not surprisingly, I was nervous, so before I got off my train, I took my phone out to check the directions to the first one. A short walk later, I reached the subway, but when I went into my purse for my wallet to buy a MetroCard, lo and behold, my wallet and new glasses were missing.

I retraced my steps and ran to the courtesy counter to ask if anyone had turned in my wallet and glass case. The woman in the booth told me the train was still in the station and to hurry there immediately to check for my things. Long story short, no luck.

Heartbroken, I returned to the courtesy desk. Not only would I miss both my appointments, but I was stranded with no money. I burst into tears as I explained the situation to the woman in the booth. Abby, she reached into her purse and handed me $7! "It's all I have right now," she said, "use it to get to your interviews." I went to my interviews and aced them both. When I came back to thank her, she was gone, but she had described me to the woman on the next shift who handed me a courtesy ticket home.

Abby, that woman's kindness was overwhelming. And just when the day couldn't get any better, I received a call. A conductor had found my wallet and glasses and would meet me on the train the next day.

I just want to share that kindness can happen when we least expect it. When it happens, we should pay it forward.

--S. Smith, Asbury Park, NJ

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Readers Comments

helpinghand wrote: A kind and caring person always gets help from others. Thanks for sharing a
Touching story.
newhope74 wrote: Amen!
BedBug wrote: Angels walk among us. We don't always recognize them as such. What a special blessing you received.
sukrity wrote: Sometimes,when we expect the least, we get the mosssstt. !
Firecrystals wrote: That was a very touching story.
Dogooder wrote: Your story gave me goosebumps. Its amazing how one good deed you may do for someone can have such an affect on there whole day. Sounds like the lady at the counter was an angel in disguse. Hoping you will pay it forward. :)
sethi wrote: No expectations and one gets a surprise. Thanks for the post.
maer wrote: Thanks for sharing. This is so heartwarming and i'm thankful how everything turned out for you! God bless you and those who helped along the way.
disu wrote: Not every one meet kindness these day, you are blessed
onefish2fish wrote: How wonderful! Kindness can be a surpise!

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