Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Feeling In Rhythm With Life

--by fooligan, posted Sep 24, 2008

What an amazing week I had and it was all as a direct result of Saoirse setting off on his journey to walk from UK to India.  The day after he left I had my own eureeka moment when "i got it" -- the giving is recieving message he talks about -- and I made a decision to follow his example and dedicate each day to living the philosophy of "how can I help you?"

Since then I have not only become more human and considerate, by doing the little things like picking up bits of litter in the street, but I’m having loads of fun by going that one step further and I feel so connected and in rhythm with life that its unreal.

The other day when asked to give directions to a driver who was lost I offered to get in the car and take the journey with them to make sure they got where they wanted to go. They accepted my offer and couldn't thank me enough for doing so, while I was madly thanking them for giving me the "opportunity to give." I’d have never risked offering in the past for fear of what they would think of me, but because I was solely concerned with offering regardless of their response it was easy to do and I loved doing it.

Since then I’ve also seen a look of surprise turn to utter bewilderment, then to amazement and unbridled joy on the face of the bloke who stopped me to ask if he could buy a cigarette off me. I said, "Sorry I don’t smoke," and walked off.  But, 30 seconds later, I thought, "Hmmm how can I help him?" (I know it was tobacco, and how unhealthy I think tobacco is, but it's not my role to judge or play the stop smoking councillor, I see my role as helping and giving so that's what I did)  I walked back into the shop he was stood outside of and bought some rolling tobacco and rizzlas. When I gave it to him he looked a bit surprised, but you should have seen the look when he realised I was giving him the whole packet. Money couldn’t buy that look or how I felt.

Then today when someone else asked me for some change I gave them some and then I offered for them to come back to my place where I’d make them some soup and a cup of tea. They turned me down, but not without expressly thanking me because "nobody had ever offered them that before."

I tell you living like this is amazing.

Critic mask : "Oooooh, get you, mister look how wonderful I am, using beggars and the homeless to get his kicks and then reporting it to the world to look like the hero."

Fool archetype : "Fair enough, if that's what you think, but I know that’s not why I’m doing it. I’m doing it as a thank you to Saoirse, to prove that giving is recieving and because I really do want to help.  But, yes I’ll admit it, also because it feels liberating, However, isn’t that what freeconomy philosophy is all about" ;0)

Thank you Saoirse and keep up the great work.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Fooligan, I think a lot of us started off wondering if we were posting stories on this site as some sort of self-agrandisement, or showing off how wonderful we were. I know I did. But then you realise this isn't a place for showing of, it's a mutual aid station! Doing good in this world is often difficult and lonely. HelpOthers helps us know we are not alone and spurs us on to do more kind deeds.
Keep up the good works!
AURELIA wrote: Fooligan, You've been inspired and now you're off to do what makes you and others smile. I agree with Wayfarer, we all felt like we didn't want to boast, but it's a wonderful community of friends here and we all learn from one another as we go along. Thanks for sharing your good deeds with us. ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: I too wondered when I first came here what's going on with all these "anoymous" acts of kindness being openly spoken about and have come to realize the same as you, wayfarer, Aurelia and the rest just how precious this site is. God bless you and keep you doing fun things...Used to be (back in the day) the fun things we did really weren't good for us at they are not only good for us, but for others as well. Keep up the good work and know that Saoirse is being prayed for...I havent stopped thinking about him since last week when you told of his journey. So thank you, keep smiling, and go get 'em!!! lindaM:)
fooligan wrote: thanks for all the wonderful feedback. i actually believe myself that we need even more good news reported so i actively encourage others to report their good work too, as it can only lift the spirits of all

and just to let you all know that i am going to join saoirse on his walk. i have 3 days to prepare and i am joining him in dover as he leaves the uk

we plan on walking, asking how we can help others and spreading community through random acts of kindness and fun. neither of us will have or touch money and the aim is to be an inspiring story of faith in humanity

we met about 5 months ago and were living in the same city and working on similar projects. his is the freeconomy and mine is the fun revolution, both projects are about promoting community by helping others, reporting good news and encouraging more fun in the world.

its going to be a great adventure, and hopefully it will inspire even more community in the world

i love this site, it does such great work, and id like to say thank you to everyone who contributes, it really inspires me



MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thank you for sharing. I think we all learn a little something or get ideas from the different stories that are shared. I agree with everyone this is a great thing. Keep up the fantastic work!
dewolfe wrote: Just yesterday (having only found out about this site a couple days ago) wondered myself about the whole bragging thing. After posting my first story I thought "wow, I feel like I'm type casting myself as this superwoman hero catering to the needs of the poor saying look how great I am, I am so awesome because I help those dirty people who are helpless" But then I realized, helping people cannot possibly be a bragging right, why? Because it is a human right by all to help and be helped. The things we all do to make the world a better place are things everyone should be doing. We do not be kind because it makes us better than them, we are kind because it is our nature, it is what is needed. Thank you for being such a fantastic person and embarking on such a wonderful journey.

Do you know how many times I used others ideas and visa versa?

As we all FOCUS ALL KINDNESS, the universe creates more opportunities for kindness and we see more kindness.


P.S. I already think you are wonderful- so is everyone else....we all have our gifts, talents, money and time to relax and welcome to our kindness family......
lOVEBUG wrote: I found your story to be informative. I have to be honest. If I read your story about Saoirse, I have forgotten. But I do remember reading about freeconomy and I was very impressed. I have been reading several books written by M. Scott peck. What I learned surprized me. community does not have to be a life time commitment. It can take place in just a couple of hours, sometimes just a moment of time.A connection of spirit.
Again I have to be honest, I read many stories on this sight and have never felt anyone wrote, just to toote their own horn. It has shown me how diverse we humans are, each created in God image and I am greatful for the beauty I sense in each soul. It has helped me to grow, and I am greatful for each and everyone. Thank you for blessing my other wise dull and boring life. Keep up the good work. If you have managed to get my atttention says alot. I am not easily impressed. God Bless.
Soulwoman wrote: Hi
I like to share stories of what I've done because I can tell people how it made me feel -i.e. good! They can then try it and see how they feel.

I wonder how you're feeling about being home again? Good I hope! I believe things happen for a reason and to be honest i think we need to change here in the West more than people in the East do
so bringing the message round the UK is fantastic!

Hopefully see you in Brighton again-you always have a couch here to sleep on,
Lot's of love,

Jeff A wrote: Brothers and sisters, we are not bragging, we are inspiring each other. If this is bragging, then people should brag more.

Wayfarer said it perfectly in the first response. Helping others with random kindness is often met with fear, doubt, or other negative reactions - when we share these spirited moments with each other, it reminds of why we do it and inspires us to step it up and to try new methods.

Even at risk of appearing to feed our own egos, we should all share our stories. Some people won't feel it, but others will.

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