Readers Comments
PayingForward wrote: Awww ... that is sad. But keep up the good work. Kindness is always the right choice. :)
wayfarer wrote: What a shame the guy in line seemd to equate being local with being unkind. If I thought that I'd keep quiet about it. His attitude, twilightgecko is the darkness and you are a light. Keep shining!
makesomeonesmile wrote: It is sad but there is hope with people like you in the world. Keep it up!
JuneBug wrote: I am sure if the same thing happened to the customer he'd be more understanding..You did good....:}
brighteyes wrote: thank you for your discretion and compassion for that warmed his physically with the gift of the coffee but emotionally and spiritually with your kindnesses! ;)
lmil1954 wrote: You did really good! God bless you...He knows what you did and guess what...he knows what the next guy in line is like too...(lol) Love ya! Linda:)
AURELIA wrote: Twighlight---That was so kind of you to do. Don't let some old Grump make you stop!!!! Be the one who starts the ripple and watch your kindness effect grow. ~Aurelia
gianjot wrote: That was wonderful - you are the one to make the change in your area - keep shinning.
Bluebell wrote: It's a pitty that we still have some people who can't understand the language of kindness. You have to be patient and keep on teaching them ;)