Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Makes me want to cry along with ya! What a nice thing to do...We never know what kind of impact we may bring to others...:}
lmil1954 wrote: Great one! It's true you just never do know what impact your actions and smiles) have on others. Love your story, congrats on your expectant arrival! LindaM:)
rockin wrote: What a sweet thing to do! You never know what a smile or a little extra tip will do for someone. Congrats on your expectant arrival also!!! Rockin :-)
makesomeonesmile wrote: Good for you. We don't always know how much we have impacted someone's life. We should always take the time to do something because to some people it can mean the world! Thanks for sharing!
Raqui wrote: Sometimes we dont think what we do little or small will impact another person. this goes to show you that everything you do does make an impact. Tears of joy are always the best ones to shed. Raqui
AURELIA wrote: It's so true, we never know what kind of day or life one is experiencing and leaving a nice tip for a waitress is so nice. Most waitresses work so hard because they Have to work as a waitress. Thank you for being so kind and understanding. :0)Aurelia
gianjot wrote: Thank you for sharing this story, i really feel inspired by it.
Me wrote: Nice, but if the good deeds were really authentic, wouldn't you have told nobody? True good deeds should go un announced.
warmth wrote: It feels so special to read this and to be part of u :)
Thank u for sharing such a wonderful one.
God bless u, ur fiance and the angel to be born soon
Thank u for sharing such a wonderful one.
God bless u, ur fiance and the angel to be born soon
shashi wrote: What to say, both of you looked beautiful