Stories of Kindness from Around the World

🧢 Another Baby Blanket ...

🧢 Another baby blanket crocheted for a yet unknown recipient πŸ₯°

We were eating in local restaurant this afternoon & got to meet the twins I had crocheted baby blankets for the owners’ newborns 11 months ago. They were having a family meal there with the twins who are now 11 months old & very adorable :))

Their mommy told me they are still using the blankets 😊

47 Reads

Right Timing

I was on a long-distance bus ride today, after a weekend away.

There was a lady on the bus that got on after me. She needed to charge her phone but found out the outlets weren't working. I heard her ask the driver about it, who really couldn't do anything about it in the moment.

I saw the worry in her face and realized I had a portable charger on me (handy as an endurance cyclist). I explained how it worked and let her borrow it for the ride. When she was done with it, she handed it back and cried, explaining that her grandson was in the hospital and her battery was too low to call her daughter for an update.

47 Reads

Helping At Work

I work casually in a shoe store and every 3 months we are audited, big time.

I worked Sunday and our audit was the following day - today Monday.

My shift finished at 3.30pm however I stayed back an extra 1.5 hours until 5pm (unpaid) to ensure the store (and each and every shoe box aligned) was in order.

I know many wouldn't bother but I always put myself in others shoes. And my supervisor - a young girl who I love - is the one who cops "the blame" and who the stores outcome falls on.

So I did this for her.

51 Reads

Some Kind Acts I ...

Some Kind acts

I gave many quote cards to residents and staff of PapayaCare, and shop owners when I went out for shopping.

I complemented staff of PapayaCare for their nice services helping me in many ways. I am grateful to all of them for their love care and support extended to me and others as well.

Sent inspiring emails to more than 200 of my contacts.

Wrote a note of gratitude to a friend who sent some food items along with Lamination machine, Lamination pouches, papers and computer printer inks. He went extra mile buying food items for me from shops away from his business place. and sending them to me. I will be indebted for his kindness

Making more than 3000 quote cards to be given away on New Year's Eve as an act of kindness-.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for all the opportunities sending my way and His help and guidance to manifest them. --Rajni

33 Reads

Things At Work Have ...

Things at work have been very challenging lately for myself and my coworkers. I wanted my team to start their week with a smile, so I picked up some chocolate and inspiring quotes and will leave them on each desk Monday morning, to start the week off right.

36 Reads

John And Carolyn Share Their Home, Kindness And Love

there is a wonderful couple here where we are staying. they have had a wonderful life together and you can feel the love between them even after 67 years. :) they share kindness everywhere they go. They invited a few of us evacuees to their apartment and he read a few of his poems that he had written over the years. we had homemade cookies and punch for treats as we listened. it was a great couple of hours and we kind of forgot our issues of not being at home. wonderful memories were made. :)

38 Reads

❀️ I Love Our Neighbors

I was asked for some small help by two of our neighbors….one asked if I’d water their newly seeded lawn once a day while they were both at work (it needs to be watered 3 times a day for now). Another asked if I’d take their mail in while they were going to be away for a few days.

Told them I’d be happy to 😊

They think I am doing them a favor, but they too are doing me a favor by asking for my help. It makes me happy to be asked & makes me feel “useful” 😍

Love my longtime, kind neighbors. Feel blessed πŸ™

62 Reads

Birthday cake

It feels so good to be able to give. And we are so much more blessed to give than those who receive from us.

I have a friend who lives in Nigeria. A mother of four beautiful girls who I met online. We chat often. Have never met. But she is a fellow sister in Christ of mine.

A year ago I made the decision to give to her whenever I can. She never once asked for money but wept when I offered to buy her children a cake every year for their birthday.

This is such an extravagant treat for them. A cake. Something which my boys receive yearly.

She sent me this photo of her daughter with the cake. And get this ... she took the cake to her daughter's school and church group so she could share with others who are underprivileged.

149 Reads

Grateful For Another Great Reunion

Grateful for another great KindSpring reunion with Helen and Richard. Great time talking and enjoying food and drink. Got another of Helen's beautiful creations as a gift to my nieces. Made possible by KindSpring.

186 Reads

Kindness Given This Last ...

Kindness given this last week
Smiles at all
Chatted pleasantly with many
Let cars cut in front of me
Let shoppers in line in front of me
Heard a kid behind me at the cafe, tell his dad that he wanted the four cheese souffle, which I was going to order. I saw there was only one left so I ordered something else
Been giving double tips all December
Stayed in touch with friends around the world.
Gave a neighbor a ride

Did some minimal decorating for ChristmasπŸ₯΄

34 Reads

Healing With Love & Care.

For the last week I have been looking after my husband's aunt as she has undergone a surgery. Her children live abroad and my husband is traveling so there is really no one who can spend time with her. I have been cooking for her and generally trying to keep her spirits high.

36 Reads
  • Posted by aditishankar
  • Jan 25, 2025
  • Comments (7)
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Helping Woman who needs help to survive πŸ™

Father purchased all food items enough for one month for a woman who needs support to survive. I saw pasta, biscuit packet etc. The funds are given by another person. My father noted food items and went to shop and delivered items to woman who needs help.

153 Reads

Serving Meals To People At An Old Age Home

Yesterday my wife and her friends as part of inner wheel club went to an old age home and served fresh hot lunch ( sponsored by a family who honored the memory of their dad). This morning she recounted the stories of the old people she met and they were very moving.

153 Reads

Simple Kindness Given Thru ...

Simple kindness given thru a challenging week

Let a car cut in front of me
Held the door several times for people
Complimented a woman on her blouse
Gave some business to a struggling shop owned by a young mom
Chatted please tly with people at the coffee shop
So many more simple litte things that have become part of me.

374 Reads

Signs And Diwali CardsI

Signs and Diwali Cards

I made more than 50 signs and more than 100 Diwali cards for PapayaCare.. Rangoli was made by PapayaCare staff to worship Laxmi- Goddess of wealth. Top left and bottom right photo shows decoration of common room. I made some paper punched flowers for decoration.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for all the opportunities sending my way and His help and guidance to manifest them.

399 Reads

I Made This Hanging Decoration

I made this hanging for my daughter and partner who are moving to new accommodation in a couple of weeks on Friday at my breast cancer support group. I gave it to my daughter yesterday when we met them in Durham.

64 Reads

He’s All Kinds Of Amazing!

❀️ Kindness Received....

We were having a problem with our landline phone & called our contractor in the morning to ask if he could come over to see if he could help. He said he’d stop by.

He hadn’t shown up by 5 PM so we figured he had been too busy to fit us in and figured we’d call him the next morning to follow up.

Well to our surprise, our bell rang at 7:30 PM, and guess who…yes, our contractor. He said he’d had a very busy day & totally forgot he’d told us he’d come by and remembered after he’d had his dinner. He lives a few blocks from us, so drove over.

He fixed our problem & refused to let us pay him!! He’s a wonderful craftsman, takes pride in his work, has a great sense of humor & a hard worker. We thanked him profusely & plan on sending him a gift certificate to a local top-notch restaurant πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

πŸ€— He left with a big hug from me.

He's all kinds of Amszing!! 

313 Reads

Beautiful Conversations

I've had some really beautiful conversations with friends today. Deep ones. Encouraging ones. Sharing light and hope when they are in despair.

I feel so honoured and blessed they find me a safe space to share 🀍

334 Reads

Spoilt Myself With Some Musical

Spoilt myself with some love and took myself on the weekend to see the musical Wicked for the very first time. Loved it. Was incredible.

Whilst there saw a few opportunities for kindness and took advantage.

Helped a beautiful couple in their 80's (who like myself) were confused and unsure whether the show was finished or it were an interval found venue stuff to tell us. It was an interval. Funny moment as we both nearly went home.

Second opportunity was seeing some young girls setting up a camera with timer taking photos. Walked over to them and asked if they wanted me to take photos for them. They were very grateful.

I hope your weekend has been blessed πŸ’•

68 Reads

Paying Attention To Dog πŸ•

I bought 2 biscuit packets. My target is to give them to black Dog which became thin and it comes infront of our shop daily. I saw the black Dog. I went towards it. It moved away. It reached a place where there are two other Dogs. I opened one biscuit packet infront of them. The other two dogs started eating biscuits. But this black dog is just looking. After sometime I found black Dog alone. I opened another biscuit packet. It is not believing. It is afraid to eat biscuits. I moved. It smelled and ate biscuits.

99 Reads