Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Intangible And Invaluable

--by RoseMarie, posted Apr 25, 2017
I received an email yesterday. It contained 5 small lessons in life , the essence of which is summed up in this quote.

I have never met this person and they do not even live in my country, despite this we have created a connection. The person is terminally ill. I send them cards, emails and occasionally a small token gift. I try to make all these connections upbeat.

The email which I received was sent to 12 other recipients, some family members. The sender has little energy and they have taken the time to let all the recipients know that they are valued.

I am on the list.

Me, for how little I do.

I am honoured and humbled.

That a very ill and weak person has placed me in this elite and close circle, touches me to my very core.

A poignant reminder to me that the love you give always come back to you my friends.

Intangible and invaluable.  X 

840 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: I think you underestimate how much you do for others, Rose🌹Marie.
mindyjourney wrote: That postive feeling lives on and on ))). Thank you for all, my freind.
leoladyc728 wrote: You have deeply touched this person.
Lilijourney wrote: ''Tis a blessing shared 💞🙏🤗
autumnsky38 wrote: Oh Rose-Marie. I'm so glad that you and this friend have touched each other's lives this way. My heart goes out to them, btw, and my hugs go out to you. ❤️
AmyKay0713 wrote: I love this quote and so i bet the email and the 5 suggestions were very inspirational. Enjoy the encouragement and inspiration!

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