Stories by Patt (4 matches)

Happiness Shared

"Happiness Shared" was the title of an e-mail I received from a website I really enjoy. It inspired me to contact two friends and invite them over for a craft day. 
I was very excited about sharing  craft ideas and baking cookies with friends!
Then one friend messaged me saying that she was depressed and thought she should not come because she would only bring us down. 
I sent her a quote  that inspires me when I have a day like that. It is, " Think about how you want to feel today and do whatever it takes to make it happen."
She decided to come after all and we had a great visit! Went out to lunch and planned more days of fun together. Our joy was contagious!
This not only showed me how happiness is shared but also reminded me that getting together is an act of kindness. It is so nice to have someone to share your day with especially when you are down or you live alone.

5962 Reads

Appreciating The Park-Keepers

In the morning I often go to the local park to walk. 

There are two grounds-keepers there who do an awesome job of keeping the place clean, especially after baseball games. Yesterday, I left them a note of appreciation and $5 gift cards to the local coffee place. 

I think they need to know that someone appreciates their work.

1628 Reads

Blessings By A Compassionate Touch

Today is my usual day to volunteer at the hospital. 

What I do is called Compassionate Touch and I really like it because I get to interact with the patients.

Today I had two patients who needed someone to just spend a few extra minutes with them and to listen to their stories. I felt blessed to be able to spend some time with them. 

I really like what I do as a volunteer and feel privileged to share these moments together.

I am so glad to have found the KindSpring site. It inspires me to be a better person and to be more aware of how to spread kindness. Thank you!

1184 Reads

Blue-Eyed Blessing

It has always been hard for me to give homeless people money, even when it tugs at my heart strings. Maybe I've heard too many times that they would use it to buy drugs or alcohol.

Yesterday, on my way home, I made a stop at a shopping center. On the way into the store, I notice a man standing with a sign. On my way out, I decided to exit from the other side.

When I got back into my car, without thinking, I went back the way I had come in. I took some money out of my purse and pulled up to the man. I looked straight into his beautiful blue eyes and handed him the money.

"Bless you," he said, and he took the money.

I said a prayer for him as I drove away, for I was deeply touched by those eyes. There was so much human grace in them.

I don't know what he will do with the money. His sign said something about being homeless and I truly hope he was placed in my path because his need was real and I was able to help in some small way.

Those eyes touched my soul and I was deeply moved.

1003 Reads

'Patt' Also Commented on These Stories

Jackpot of Kindness from an unlikely source

Father And Son Bonding

Guerrila Repairs for the Homeless Folks

Father And Son Bonding

A New Start for Their Friend

3 Bunches of Flowers

Little Action, Big Effects

The Traveler

"Two Bits" of Fun!

The Thrift Shop Dash

Picking Up The Tab For Strangers

Challenge - Day 11:

The Baby-Bump Chats

Kindness Calendar For Kids!

Day # 11 - Spending time with the elderly!

Stop and Hug

Near The Horizon

The Domino Effect of Sack Lunches

Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012, Story #4 - Meredith's Letter From the Post Office

One Candle at a Time