Stories by EllaP (1 matches)

Bike In The Night

I was at a paid bicycle-parking area at the railway station when I saw a lady entering. She had come to collect the bike she parked there earlier, but she looked worried. 

It was midnight and I remembered my first time trying to understand how the parking machines worked;where to put the credit card, which buttons to press, where to place the front wheel of the bike, and so on. It was stressful for me and that hadn't been in the middle of the night.

So, I said to my daughter, "Let's wait and see if we can be of any help." And we were! We made sure she could work everything and just having other people looking out for her seemed to be a comfort for her especially at that time of night.

She thanked us warmly. I smiled all the way back. This is the kind of example I want to set for my children. 

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