Stories by AtulAmbavat (2 matches)

A New Meaning To The Deepavali Festival:

Few days before this Deepavali we received a message saying that one should avoid talking about festive celebrations while traveling in Taxis, Buses or when 'not so lucky' people are around.. as they might not get a chance to celebrate the festival at all.

Me and my wife were feeling a little strange and thought let's celebrate this Deepavali with few strangers! We arranged for 25 sweet boxes to be shared with a Bus Conductor, Taxi Driver, Rag Pickers and a few others who came into contact with us randomly.

The smile and expressions on their faces touched our soul and gave us a new meaning to celebrate festivals!

We are grateful to Kindspring community, reading your stories gave us the strength to reach out to strangers and the show shall go on :)

Thank you.


1508 Reads

Pure Compassion

We were on a nature trail with around 40 kids from Teach for India this Sunday.

A little girl, Muskaan, observed that a small plant was drying and drooping. It was around 11AM and very sunny, so the kids were a little exhausted. But this little angel showered her love by emptying her water bottle on the plant, keeping just 2 sips for herself and thinking that the plant will survive. I witnessed deepest level of compassion.

Wishing you a lovely festive season full of compassion and love for each other. :)

1181 Reads

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