Stories by debbe530 (1 matches)

Depression Didn't Stop My Act Of Kindness

The last 5 weeks turned me upside down. I talked about chronic depression June 5. In an attempt to treat it we induced an episode of hypomania. Something I have also experienced before but never this profound. Enter mood stabilizing drug and BAM! Another adverse drug reaction. Finally, finally I am starting to return to my version of normal. First, thanks to all of you who sent notes. Your encouragement helped so much. I have felt like my ROAKs have significantly decreased. I haven’t made any smile packs for over two months. I had a horrible few days of pain and being freezing cold. I'm not sure why. But Friday I had to go to Trader Joe's - a site of many ROAKs. I met Hosiah, a wonderful man,who was trying to reach ripe plums from his wheelchair with an already full basket in his lap. He is currently living at ... Read Full Story >>

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