Stories by annefitzg (2 matches)

Low Income Rich

I am a low-income senior, but I have enough food, water, medicines, human contact,enough access to grass and trees and views of the sky.

I have enough clothes, books, music, paper and pens. I have enough access to information via the internet. I have enough to amuse, entertain, inform, astonish, challenge, heal, and sustain my soul.

I have a lifetime of experience and wisdom hard won from life lessons. I have enough  memories and enough hopes and visions to keep me moving into the future.

Best of all, I have enough to keep giving away. I am rich, and for all this I am grateful.

2098 Reads


The elderly Peruvian lady across the hall from me does not speak English. When her smoke detector started beeping and announcing "Battery low, please replace.", she did not understand and was frightened. I disconnected it but could not stop the annoying noise. After asking around other neighbors if anyone had the right battery, with no results, I got dressed, caught the bus and went to the store for another battery. Got the battery in and stopped the beeping and -- "Silencio!"

1161 Reads

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