Stories by A (3 matches)

Turned Down An Offer - Giving Opportunities

I am probably the highest level cellist at our school, so our orchestra teacher offered me the opportunity to play in a special chamber group he is organizing. One of the other girls in the cello section (I'll call her E) is not as high level as me, but she puts in a lot of effort and this is her senior year.

I turned the teacher's offer down and said I was honored, but would only do it if he asked E first and she couldn't for some reason. I already play in two other chamber groups and really didn't need to be in another. E was thrilled to be asked and is now really excited for this opportunity.

1700 Reads

Peanut Butter In The Library

I finished my community service requirement last year by working in the school library. 

All the librarians are women over 65 and most have trouble shelving books on the upper shelves. So, I decided to work for another year to help them out because most of the volunteers from last year are not coming back. 

The librarian was so happy she bought a whole can of peanut butter cups so I can have one every week!

1603 Reads

The Joy of Music

I took on a new cello student for partial fee, because if he had to pay the full amount, his parents would not have let him take lessons with me. He is only 10 years old and so excited to have a "real teacher"!

1306 Reads

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