Stories by angalee73 (2 matches)

Nothing Like That Had Happened To Him Before!

I went along with the Kindness Suggestion today and gave someone a surprise treat! 

I stopped at Starbucks, bought a $5 gift card and asked the barista to use it on whoever came in next. 

I was still waiting for my drink when the next customer arrived. The gentleman thanked me so much for the card and said nothing like that had ever happened to him before. He was so thankful! 

He thanked me again as I left, and said, "God bless."

2432 Reads

Thank A Soldier...

I sent my "Adopt a Soldier" a letter today because it is 9/11.  I just sent him a Thank You card for all he does, including fighting for my freedom. I also put 12 more Thank You notes in the envelope, for him to hand out to any soldiers who could use a smile, or a piece of mail.

1837 Reads

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