Stories by indo_blonde (3 matches)

Big Girl Pants On

To be truthful my mom and I have had a contentious relationship due, in large part, to issues that stem from a series of unfortunate events in her life, plus some mini-strokes she suffered.

In the light of all that I have made peace with loving her, even though she might not always make it easy. It requires a lot of deep breaths and patience when I enter her world. 

Today I called my mom and invited her out to lunch. I will also ask if she'd like to attend my daughter's first basketball game this afternoon. 

I love her and want the best for her. Here's hoping she's able to meet me halfway today. If not, that's okay. I've put my "big girl pants" on.

2326 Reads

Support a Teacher

 Volunteer opportunities abound..

Yesterday, I practiced kindness by making myself available to volunteer in the classroom to assist a teacher. I admire teachers and ardently believe that they deserve to receive the highest praise and help they need.

1229 Reads

Black Light Fun

Happy Friday! It may be the 13th but I'm feeling pretty lucky today!

I am helping to plan a fundraiser event. In one week, I'll be teaching a black light Zumba class with all donated money going to leukemia – lymphoma. It should be so fun, I'm excited and I feel blessed and honored to be in a position to help.

838 Reads

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