Stories by foetami (2 matches)

A Bag of Donuts

Yesterday, I went out and saw a street vendor selling potato donuts. I had bought 8 donuts for the boys at home. Before I left the place, I saw this little boy sleeping on the sidewalk, with his mom sitting next to him. She appeared to be sleeping as well, with her head resting on her knees. Their clothes were tattered and dirty.

As I walked to my car just a few meters away, I couldn't ignore the tightness in my chest, as the thought of what that boy was going through came into my mind. So I went back and gave the woman the bag of donuts. She thanked me and placed the bag next to her and went back to sleep.

I left the place and hoped that maybe when that little boy wakes up, he will smile when he sees a bag of sugar covered donuts, all for him.

2485 Reads

Words Of Courage For A Little Heart

There's a boy in the coder class I teach who doesn't seem to get a long with most of the kids in the class. While I can understand why the other kids aren't so happy with him, I can't help feeling a bit sad for him.

When the kids were choosing their partners and projects for class to parents presentation day, he ended up doing his presentation alone. I told him it is a very brave thing to do and I believed he could do it very well, and that he's going to make me and his parents very proud.

He made some changes to the project he's going to present and excitedly showed me the changes he made. He said he couldn't wait to show it to his parents. It warms my heart thinking that perhaps my words of encouragement has helped him feel better.

1376 Reads

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