Stories by peekabooboop (2 matches)

Coffee and Kindness

I went into a coff​ee shop for coffee and a bagel. I noticed the woman in front of me ordered coffee and a bagel and asked how much it cost and then said just coffee please.

I thought about it after I sat down and went over to the woman and gave her some money and asked her to get what she wanted. She got it and gave me the extra money back with a note saying she was a massage therapist and she wanted me to call her for a free message.

She said she hoped I called her because she wanted to see me again and that I had made her day. She made my day too.

3526 Reads

Gratitude Practice

I can never repay my childhood friend who helped me pack after I had major strokes in the middle of moving two states away. She also bought food, cooked during that time. She was my first visitor in my new home. Her family took my husband out to celebrate his 70th birthday.

This gratitude practice helps me remember these things and look at how I can pay this forward.

1874 Reads

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