Stories by molliecat (1 matches)

A Few Little Sweet Tips

Yesterday I was a bit early for an appointment so I stopped in at Macdonald's for a coffee .I think they make the best coffee. Two very pleasant young girls were working the counter and the customer ahead was impossible to please! !

The young girl was sweaty and near tears- I only wanted coffee but I like lots of milk in it. I really didn't want to be difficult so I said you go ahead and add lots of milk and if its not enough Il'l ask for more -she smiled . She made a perfect coffee . I left her two pink peppermints for a tip.

I went to her supervisor and let her know how well she handled such a difficult customer ahead of me . More of that needs to be done for young people starting out- probably first job.

I remember how hard it was . Me I would have run away crying and quit had it been me yesterday serving those customers. I'd still be crying too.

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